Families need us now more than ever. Membership fees allow the programs at Mariner Learning Collaborative to function on a basic level. We rely on community support for the rest.
…expenses for Friday trips, overnight trips, community events, and space improvements to provide our members with the most pleasurable and fullest experiences that we can offer.
…membership fees for families who couldn’t otherwise afford to attend our center. Mariner is founded on a mission to help all local kids who want or need a different learning experience than is offered in conventional schools. We are for people not profit. Your donations help us support our mission.
Mariner Learning Collaborative commits to work with families at all income levels. We receive no federal or state funding and rely on our tuition and the generosity of our supporters. Mariner Learning Collaborative is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Your tax-deductible donation allows us to continue to maintain a community that is economically diverse.
Give Ross a call and he can walk you through the best way to make a donation. 843-496-1113