Self-Directed Learning

Check out this short video from another self-directed learning center in our Liberated Learners Network. Students and staff from Embark Center share their thoughts and experiences. Mariner will be very similar in nature!

Mariner Learning Collaborative is part of a growing movement for change in education.

This video by Sir Ken Robinson is the most watched TED talk of all time, inspirational from start to finish. He makes the case that we’re all born with deep natural capacities for creativity and it is increasingly urgent that we provide opportunities for young people to cultivate them. That’s what we do at Mariner Learning Collaborative.

What happens when young people don't like school?

We know from years of examples that young people do not need to attend conventional school to lead successful and fulfilling lives. In this video, Ken Danford from North Star talks about how young people can leave school, become self-directed learners and create the life they want.
